You may also need to deploy again if you have deployed UltraVNC in the past with previous versions of VNCScan or if you installed UltraVNC manually. For most people, this is a “set it and forget it” feature in Windows so. This means that if you ever toggle UAC on the remote system for any reason, you will need to re-deploy UltraVNC to it using the deployment tool in VNCScan. The updated deployment tool adjusts settings on the remote system during deployment to fix this issue. We’re impatient around here so we decided to create our own working fix and release it in VNCScan Enterprise Network Manager version 2010.9.21. To date, the developers at UltraVNC have not released a fixed version for this. We have heard from many users that sending this sequence has no effect on the remote computer. UltraVNC has had some pretty big issues with sending the CTRL + ALT + DEL combination to Windows 7 when UAC (User Access Control) is turned off (or on in some cases). Using this menu item at other times to launch task manager or lock the screen etc will have no effect, however these can be accomplished easily via other means.Update: The latest releases of VNCScan no longer require this work around for CTRL + ALT + DEL (SUPER).