'ZIZU-SSE'FGSCSBIS 33 Large selection 01 Movie Cameras awrlfro actors are in. That being said: It's worked for me for two play-through without incident. Auto Tele Converter tor Ricoh 89.95 AUTOMATICpfiNSETfiWITH 'P' SETT'ING. But as you mentioned, that's not my call to make. I think your slandering someone on this site, and making up false claims of breaking peoples games with something that you obviously never have done is more of a cause for ban, IMHO. Some of us genuinely want to help people and don't get off on saying "no" or "breaking people's saves". I don't know who you associate with, but that's not how I work. PS Nice passive-aggressive statement about the whole "breaking" someone's game, btw. Seems like you'd rather tell someone "no" as opposed to being correct about something. That being said, you're opinions aren't really amounting to much. Some of us know how to do things correctly. Maybe those failures you had were user error. And seriously, who are you that you can judge people who post on reddit or anywhere else with your self-created standards of excellence? Your stuff smells just like the rest of them. You've attempted this technique? What was it you were saying about bogus claims? Because that sure sounds like a bit of projection there.